Knowing TV & film industry news as a writer: how much is the research worth?

I would love to get feedback from writers out there or anyone in the biz. I’m a research fiend and enjoy getting updates from my blogroll. I also ease my gynormous insecurity by having some knowledge, at least small biz talk, especially with some executives whom you want to go all “The Player” on (w/o any actual violence of course).  After all, why pitch your spy thriller/historical fiction to a producer that just made five slashers. BUT, unless you’re specifically going to a specific meeting and researching what has been bought/sold/pitched to for that company or person, is it worth the extra brain space? Not sure.  What do you think?

But in case you’d like some resources for news or learning your craft, below are some sites. If you’ve got more to recommend (or your own), please share in comments. Thanks!

  • The 2012 TV Season: What’s being renewed, cancelled, and still in-limbo  at
  • Script magazine has a film fund tracking report for each month: here is June.
  • Contests, development news, staff changes at Done Deal.
  • Getting to someone via their rep and finding out who that rep is: the professional version of imdb called imdbpro (it’s worth the monthly subscription).
  • As his blog’s logline says, “a ton of useful stuff about screenwriting,” by screenwriter John August over at his site.
  • Mentioned the two people I personally have worked with and loved: Amanda the Aspiring TV Writer and Tawnya Bhattacharya of Script Anatomy.
  • Ross Reports is the only immediate resource for a full list of what shows and films are in production now. It is subscription based.

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